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Monday, February 1, 2010

LOVE words

Love is in the air.
In the simple form of sweet cherries and pomegranate cherry juice. Love them.
Cherry as fruit can be helpful to decrease body inflammation. And is so yummy.
Pomegranate is such a great antioxidant, just like blueberries.

Start thinking about what LOVE make you do, in a healthy and worthy way.
For yourself and others.

In the HONOR of what LOVE means for all of us.


BlueBellies - today in RED

Saturday, January 9, 2010

"BIG" on inchies

Yes, they may seem tiny but is never too small!
Each square measures 1" x 1" and it can "powerfully" embellish your project.
These are some samples I made along with a swap I joined recently.
All supplies are from Close to My Heart.

There are some more coming up.
Thanks for stopping by,


Saturday, January 2, 2010

News for 2010

News for the new year:
As the spirit of everything new and fresh glows for this very moment of the year...I want to share my plan for BlueBellies.

Starting January 27 - besides the Etsy shop, you'll able to see AND BUY (yes!) even more bellies in here, the BB blog. All retired bellies from the Etsy shop - yes, they will not be relisted in the Etsy at this time - so if you were watching for some item and missed it, you may find it in take the advantage of this!
Plus some newbies that will be featured IN BLOG ONLY.

I'm working in order to have all things easier for all of us and I do hope you like it...

Let's start the decade in a fresh flavor.

Have a YUMMY 2010!!!

BlueBellies - always fresh